• Encourage hands-on fashion career exploration in all phases of the course; students may have the opportunity to research and visit top fashion colleges during their studies. • In addition to the classroom, the instructor will be responsible for supervising and evaluating student progress in the work areas. • Instill in all students' safe work habits, the importance of lifelong learning, and a work ethic that fosters reliability, competence, dependability and satisfaction with their own work. Requirements for the Transitional A certificate are listed on the homepage of the NYS Education Department Teaching Certification under ‘Certification Requirements’ in the subject area of ‘Career and Technical Teacher-Arts, A/V Technology & Communications-Textile & Design Cluster 7-12’ https://eservices.nysed.gov/teach/certhelp/search-cert-reqs • Two to four years of occupational work experience. Position Start Date:09/01/2025 Application Deadline:04/11/2025 Job Number: 2025-246
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