Dec. 8, 2024

Principal Economist, Program Valuation, Fashion Intelligence

Amazon Austin, Texas

At Amazon, we're committed to pioneering new frontiers in customer experience, and Fashion Tech is at the forefront of this mission. The person in this role will work with finance, CBA and business owners to define the right metrics and methodologies to compute attributed and incremental value of programs and features, while leveraging existing frameworks wherever applicable. We want to answer questions like “If this program didn’t exist, what is the total economic value to Amazon that we would stand to lose?” and “What is the ongoing business impact of this CX post-launch?”. - Lead the resolution of complex challenges related to content attribution and program incrementality, leveraging existing systems and methodologies while exploring innovative approaches where necessary. As a central analytics team, our goal is to break silos and identify interconnectedness across Fashion Tech programs, keeping the customer at the center.

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