As a Donation Station Attendant, your primary responsibility is to perform your duties in a way that exceeds the donor's expectations. Your objective is to provide courteous, respectful service to the donor, to keep the donation site clean and well maintained, and to safeguard the donations until they can be picked up by the truck drivers. should be in the trailer. • Be knowledgeable of charity - see attachment • What is charity's purpose • Who does charity serve • Know that thrift store purchases donations for market value • Stand up to greet and thank each donor • Offer to carry donations to trailer • Give donor a receipt for donation • Treat all donations and donor with respect • No dropping or throwing • Stack all donations carefully and neatly in trailer • Bags should be tied, boxes should be closed • Record each donation in donor log at trailer • All donations are the property of the charity and any theft or waste will result in immediate termination. All donations should be in trailer - no bags or items outside.
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